Year Seven definitely stands to mean a lot for a ministry which stands for perfection, as 7 is the number for perfection. Seven years means that we have had notable experience in this work God has called us to do, we are not ignorant of our strengths and weaknesses, our past, purpose and destiny! Seven means completion, it means God is going to finish up something he started! There's a common theory that anything that can last seven years (a relationship, family, institution, community) can stand forever! This is our year Seven! Are you ready???
Our theme for the past year was "coming into purpose" and the elevation and transformation we have received from that move of God has prepared us to take on His agenda for Year Seven!
We (as Teleios) are ambassadors for the Ephesians 4 agenda: verse 13 stands as our theme scripture "till we all come...to the perfect man; to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ".
Now that we are familiar with, even trained in the concept of Purpose, it is only natural that as a next step we ask *why (what is the purpose) must we all come unto the Perfect (Teleios) man?*
The answer is right there in the same Ephesians 4 we all so believe in and have been called to: right in the next verse! (Get excited)
Ephesians 4:13 & 14 (emphasis on 14)
13. Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
What is the purpose of becoming the Teleios (wo)man? What happens if we do not attain unto this measure of stature??
The answer is right in the verse 14 which we sometimes so easily overlook. It says " That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;"
All this, is so that we cannot, so that we will not, will no longer be children carried about by the winds of doctrine that are blowing in this world system!
We can no longer be children, especially now that we are needed (expected) to be the mature believers, teaching those who are being blown away and tossed by the winds, winds that are sadly tossing us away as well!!!
Can you feel the winds blowing? Can you see the people of God being tossed to and fro?
Can you see it? Standards falling, mindsets shifting, compromise increasing, worldliness becoming more attractive, holiness fading, and meekness being non existent? Do you see the winds waging a war? Do you see the war already in motion? Do you see the storm coming?
Sometimes when we hear issues of false doctrine, we think about people twisting the Bible, or concocting some abominable heresies and blasphemies... But these false doctrines are really just concepts and mindsets that the devil is framing and using using to really weaken the body of Christ: concepts like the acceptance of sin as an alternate or modern lifestyle,
Some definitions of feminism and the abolishment of submission as a biblical principle,
Being shrewd and relentless in wealth creation regardless of spiritual and moral principles,
Pride as an admirable quality
Accepting love for love, whether in pansexuality, homosexuality, and many more.
"Trans-everything" trying to take away the sovereign design of God!
And so on...
... These are just some of the winds of doctrine of our time, and we know more winds (heavier ones) shall blow; and we are warned about them in Ephesians, and yet we are still being blown away, tossed to and fro, because we do not stand as the stature of the fullness of Christ; Perfection!
So many winds are blowing that are tossing the CHILDREN of God to and fro... And we know from life, from experience and from scripture, that so many more winds are on their way!
The winds are gathering Fam, a Storm is coming, and Only the Teleios man can stand through it... Are you ready?
Year Seven is our year where we pursue Perfection (our vision) like never before, its our year of growth, our year of increase, our year of becoming, and the year where we finally stand as Perfect men, ready to take on the storm, and save others from the winds that are here and the storm that is coming! Our warrior King Jesus is ready to prepare us, save us, and save the world through us, Are you ready?
Welcome to year Seven, our year of THE PERFECT MAN & THE STORM