Truth be Told
"Dad, are you ever afraid I may ask a question about the faith that no one can answer?
In this new series, we tackle some dificult topics as Selorm, a young Gen Z believer with a bucketload of legitimate questions about modern Christianity and its operation in the world today, offloads some of his deepest enquiries on his father who must now lead his son along the path of truth, through his own experience, study, and the Spirit of Wisdom's leading.
Selorm's questions call for conversations that most parents and Christian leaders would rather not have, either because they are too dicey or uncomfortable. But the truth is that the longer these questions are left unanswered, the greater the opportunity for seeds of doubt and unbelief to be sown. Do you have questions? Join Selorm and his father on this journey as the Spirit leads them into the truth in love. Do you have answers? Please share them in the comment sections below each chapter. But by all means join us #TillWeAllCome! Let's gooooo!
Chapter 1. The Men God Chooses
Selorm is appalled and thoroughly dissatisfied at the conduct of some men of God, both on the pulpit and in their personal lives. Why does God apparently give us flawed leaders and pastors to follow? Is God responsible for the shortfalls and scandals created by his selected officials then? Is it supposed to be easy to follow leaders who visibly have flaws?
Chapter 2. Questioning the Bible
The Bible has been passed on for generations and been through the hands of many scribes, theologians and authors, and Selorm after an ordeal in communications class is wondering how much of the Bible was altered in communication. Can we trust that the record in the bible is accurate? Has any important information been taken out of the Bible?