šŸ¦‹Chapter XIII: Welcome to the next level of Glory!!!

Welcome to the 13th Year of Teleios Inc. In this new move, we are trusting God for a greater revelation of himself which will not merely affect what we believe of him, but how we live for him and represent him in the earth. Let's dive in!
Theme message here.

šŸ¦‹TEāŒ 24 is here. We invite you to join us at our annual stageplay šŸŽ­ šŸŽ­


Escape Room 413 - An Original Teleios Musical Stage Play - where 4 individuals have 1 hour to escape 3 rooms. This game promises adventure and a cash prize if the participants can solve the puzzles and escape all 3 rooms. Realising that there were six players from the start, these individuals suspect foul play. Horrified at the confirmation of their suspicions, they soon realise that their very lives are at stake. To beat the game, they have to let go of their individual desires, work together and ensure full compliance of the rules of the game. Any contrary move could be fatal.

More information here.

šŸŽ¬StagePlay: Beholding Is BecomingĀ 

Attorney Jacob Budu is struggling with his identity as a Christian in his law firm 'Sevile & Goode LLP'. As his firm takes on a controversial case involving a Bishop accused of misappropriating church funds, his identity is further probed. In the face of compromise, Will he do whatever it takes to excel in his profession at the peril of his faith, or will he stand in hope.
Watch the full production on theĀ Teleios Inc. YouTube channel. Don't forget to share and subscribe

šŸŽ¬StagePlay: Speaking the Truth in LoveĀ 

Angela is a fashion designer in a personal crises, contracted to design a wedding gown for Iglesia who is to be married to the Royal prince. As her personal issues and this professional situation go out of hand, Angela must either keep silent and watch things run their own uncertain course, or Speak the truth and potentially save or destroy it all.
With over 11K views already, watch the full production on theĀ Teleios Inc. YouTube channel. Don't forget to share!

Truth Be Told

Fictional Series

In this new series, we tackle some dificult topics as Selorm, a young Gen Z believer with a bucketload of legitimate questions about modern Christianity and its operation in the world today, offloads some of his deepest enquiries on his father who must now lead his son along the path of truth, through his own experience, study, and the Spirit of Wisdom's leading.



Conversations in the Dark Podcast with Safo Akonnor

Safo, one of our very own in Teleios has heavy conversations often sidelined in the African community with his guests (with first hand experience) on issues ranging from bipolar disorders, abusive relationships, sham marriages, decease of loved ones and many more. The two seasons of His brilliant podcast shine light into dark corners, start conversations and inspire hope!

šŸŽ¬Spoken Word Video

For TEX 2020, we put together this video on Speaking the truth in Love and the message is as clear as day! We trust God that you'll be thoroughly blessed by this!

"For the sake ofĀ self preservation, we risk the safety of souls - their salvation. The same people for whom Christ died to make a holy nation! How can we keep mute, when the truth is that Ā this way that seems right unto man only leads unto death!?"

Storm artwork

The Perfect Man & The Storm

Theme Message

We can no longer be children, especially now that we are needed (expected) to be the mature believers, teaching those who are being blown away and tossed by the winds of doctrine (the indoctrination of the world)!Ā Can you feel the winds blowing?Ā Standards falling, mindsets shifting, compromise and worldliness increasing, holiness fading...? AĀ Storm is coming, the kind only the Perfect man can stand!


Speaking the Truth in love

Theme Message

We can no longer see our brothers walking into error and remain silent for fear of offending them or self-preservation. Neither can we be losing our faith in the storms of life,Ā yet never open our mouths to cry for help!Ā "TheĀ perfect man will stand the storm", but we first must Speak the truth in loveĀ one with another, and only then can we grow up into HIM who is the head, even Christ.

šŸŽ¬Ministration: For The Love of JesusĀ 

We partnered with Grammophone Ghana for their 5th Anniversary "Grammophone Experience Concert" and glory to God for the captivating life-changing message he gave us. "For the love of Christ constrains us, for we have concluded that one died for all (therefore all have died), that all who now live, live no longer unto themselves, but unto Him who died for their sakes and is risen from the dead."


Prepare for the Marathon

Ps. Robert C Afari

In 490BC, a Greek messenger, Pheidippides, ran from the city of Marathon to Athens,Ā a total distance of approx. 26.2 miles, toĀ deliver a high priority message. Unfortunately, he died after delivering it. HisĀ death on arrival can be attributed to lack of preparation for the long haul! He had his mind set on his goals, met them, but did not have life to reap their benefits. Are you prepared for the marathon ahead?



Eli Sabblah

The life of Samuel the prophet Ā is one filled with numerous lessons. HisĀ  birth, life and ministry were undoubtedly willed by God to meet a specific need in Israel and by extension the kingdom of God. Though easy to glance over these lessons in our own lives, it is important to subscribe to these workings of God if we will fulfil purpose like he did.


The Beast Of Passion

Dr. Eric Agyemfra

The man of God must learn to bridle his passions. They may at one point be a ravaging fire that propels him to pursue the will of God with unfettered resolve, and at another point, be a destructive fire that ravages His morals and causes Him to plummet from the Mt. Qodesh; the Holy Heights to which he has attained.Ā Have you bridled your beast?

šŸŽ¬Production: The Perfect Man & The Storm

Barimah is shipwrecked and on his quest back home encounters three great vices ā€œFear, Denial & Death" and three great virtues "Faith, Hope & Love" all personified - and as he interacts with them and they each try explain how they operate to him, he realises why only "The Perfect Man" can stand through the storm!


We Will Conquer

Nii Lante Mills

Critically observing happenings in the world lately, we see issues of lust and sex becoming normalized through different channels especially the media; but before we think the battle is lost, we need to see Jesus at work and all the ways he has made to ensure that WE WILL CONQUER.


The Throne the World promises

Ruth Elinam Yevu

The promises of the world are like these things ā€“ they seem so awesome and life-giving when you first believe them and they may even make you happy for a little while, but eventually, they get worn out, irrelevant and you have no use for them!Ā Instead, Godā€™s Word points us to put our hope in something much longer lasting...

šŸ˜Hanging With Team Perfection!

Team Work makes the dream work! Getting back into TeX period, we are super grateful for the entire team of creatives, musicians, cast and production crew that make up the Teleios family! We are beyond blessed to do this for God again, and encourage everyone that no matter where you are, you can do (more impotantly be) something great for God! Blessings!


The Greatest Deception Of Our Time

Dr. Eric Ā Agyemfra

Though the Bible declares that we are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy, is it possible that the deceiver has slithered in and planted a great deception right in the Vineyards of our life?


3 Insights Into Purpose

NK. Turkson

Everything happens, is so, and exists for one reason- God. Ā We falter when we live like the world revolves around us, but, when we see Him who is enthroned at the centre, then we can take our place in the circle of life.


More New Characters & Concepts this year!

After ten years of time travelling through the creation ages, the Old Testament, the early church ages, ancient Egypt, Rome, and exploring a whole host of characters - It truly is amazing to see God leading us to all new characters and concepts! Indeed, He saith "Behold I do a new thing!"

We're already super excited about the music, effects, costuming, and more importantly the kind of inspiration and divine knowledge that's building up with this year's theme and we pray for grace to masterfully share it with you in all our upcoming projects and ministrations!

There are difficult conversations that have to be had, and we are trusting the God of Wisdom to lead us to minister these truths in love with boldness and the demonstration of the Spirit,Ā to all our audiences who are fervently heading out with us on the path to perfection- Till we all come!Ā šŸ¦‹



We would love to hear from you...

As usual, we are always open to hear from our beloved audiences! Your questions, requests, suggestions, enquiries, encouragement and concerns will all find a warm welcome in the home of team Perfection.
