Permit me to share with you a few pages of my dairy,
Those pages are home to some of my most interesting experiences
They are witness, so in the courts of your minds grant me audience
Your honours
Those pages are asylum to my brokenness,
Those pages are a camp where my most exiled thoughts find home
Those pages have been refuge-GEE-OH-D knows
Those pages, I recite them to him often
Those pages..
As I humbly await my Boaz, I’ve come across some ruthless men
Men like chauffeurs driven by their desires; in a hot pursuit of she, whom they believe had their rib,
Men like actors, who WILL promise you WASHINGTON, DC to Marvel you but have no relationship with the Script writer above
Men like swimmers, who will dive into your inbox like it’s the Olympics and can’t even survive the heat of good questioning and logical reasoning
Men like soldiers, who are so good at wearing their camouflage
These pages..
They’ve seen them all!
From the really good guy who couldn’t really speak to
The guy who could really speak who wasn’t really good
And I know my ladies can relate
Somewhere in our minds, we have those pages..
Those pages
Not too long ago,
I met a young man who per my marking, was doing alright till he asked me if I believed in love at first sight
A regular me would have made that slide
But someway somehow that was a power point
It just presented itself to me as the perfect opportunity
I questioned his questioning and sadly it exposed the flaws in his reasoning
Sad stor(e)y
I asked him back, “what is love?” and after hours of struggling to say something wise
The atmosphere bears me witness, I relieved him of the pressure
See, it’s difficult to define one you don’t know
So I had to let brother man go
For he knew not, he knew nought!
i knew love!
I knew the one above
Do I believe in love at first sight? Maybe
But that doesn’t sound like my God
He loved me before light
He loved me before bright
He loved me before day or night
He loved me before creation
Matter of fact, he loved me so he did creation.
He loved me in-spite of my flaws,
In spite of pimples and acne,
And I’m not speaking physical,
He sees deep
Yet to the seas deep, from the skies high
He takes delight in watching over me
I’m his main event and side attraction
He loves me
I fill his mind like the letters m-i-n-d
He notices my hair
Scratch that, he knows the numbers on my head
When I speak, I know I’m heard
He’s awake, when I go to bed
And it’s beautiful to know, I am led
By one greater than everything summed up
His words are sweeter than honey
He calls me royalty, I’m Queen, b
He loves me to death,
To standing up for me when the accuser comes in,
He loves me to forgiveness of my wrongs, past, present and
my future ...
Is in his hands
For what can slip when God holds it
What can fall when His might upholds it
What can escape his view
Father, who can love like You
He loves me to Calvary,
To 40 lashes save one to save one
He loves me when things are rosy like February 14th
He loves me when things are awfully thorny
His love is constant, my actions may vary from time to time
I am Conscious of the truth that irrespective of what I do or what I say
Of whether I read or pray
His love for me remains
God won’t love me less, God won’t love me more
God loves me with His all
And it’s His love for me that causes me to do what I do
I don’t pray to make Him love me, I pray because I am loved by Him
I don’t read His word to make Him love me, I read his Word to experience his already existing love for me
I am loved by the embodiment of love
The one above.
Poem by Dennis Dela Tsagli,
Teleios Inc.